Thursday, July 15, 2010

8 3/4 rebuild part IV

I finally got around to bending the new brake lines on the junkyard 8 3/4 rearend. I also installed new wheel cylinders. bending hardline can be a little nerve racking,One screwup and you have to redo the whole thing.
Now I'm waiting on brake shoes and assorted hardware and I have to get the drums turned before I'm done

Friday, July 9, 2010

Confessions of a junk car addict.

I came to a realization lately that people think It's weird I drive old junk cars.To put things in perspective Gerald Ford was president when my '76 Dodge Powerwagon was built.It's not that I can't afford a new car,I just don't want one I leased a '02 and '04 Ford Ranger. I've started calling that five year period "The dark ages" I felt weird about it the entire time,It was nice driving something where everything works (a problem I haven't had since) But it wasn't me.I guess I would describe myself as a non-conformist,And driving the Rangers made me feel like a member of the herd.Once my lease was over I purchased a 1977 Ford F-150 and I immediately felt revitalized,Theres just something about being surrounded by vintage sheet metal and having a V-8 taking commands from my right foot that feels right. I enjoy the challenge of keeping a vehicle on the road that should've been crushed years ago.When I drove the new stuff I felt like some of my auto repair skills eroded from lack of use.It came back in time of course,but I remember standing over a Holley carb knowing what was wrong with it but not remembering how to fix it.I'll even admit the new stuff is way better,fuel injection is way more efficient than any carburetor and engines today can go 100,000 miles before a tune up. I currently own five cars and have enacted a zero population growth edict on myself. Which means I can't buy another car without getting rid of one. This rule can be hard to abide since I'm known as the "Old car guy" and I'm often tipped off to some killer deals that are hard to pass up. A lot of people look at me with pity when they see what I drive,Women have refused to date me based on what I drive. I'm OK with that,sometimes the pity and disgust goes both ways. I have to drive to the grocery store now......I hope my truck starts.